Nebraska R&D Tax Credit Summary


Nebraska State R&D Tax Credit

  • In Nebraska, business firms that are involved in research and experimental activities are allowed a credit of 15% of the federal credit allowed under IRC §41
  • The tax credit may be used to obtain a refund of sales and use taxes paid or as a refundable corporate or personal income tax credit
  • The credit is increased to 35% of the federal credit allowed under  for business firms making expenditures in research and experimental activities on a college or university campus or at a facility owned by a college or university located in Nebraska
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    How to Obtain the Credit?

    The income tax credit is claimed on Form 3800N. A claim for the credit may be filed quarterly for a refund of the state sales and use taxes paid, either directly or indirectly, after the filing of the income tax return for the tax year in which the credit was first allowed.

    Refundable/Transferable Tax Credit- Yes


    The credit is allowed for the first tax year it is claimed and for the 20 tax years immediately following.

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