Research & Development Small Businesses
Qualified research and development small businesses may claim a refund of all or a portion of approved additional credit. If the total qualified expenditures for the tax year for which the claim is made is:
- less than $3,000,000, the excess additional credit shall be refunded to the taxpayer;
- greater than or equal to $3,000,000 and less than $4,000,000, two-thirds of the excess additional credit shall be refunded, and
- greater than or equal to $4,000,000 and less than or equal to $5,000,000, one-third of the excess additional credit shall be refunded.
Any amount of the additional credit that isn’t claimed against the taxpayer’s income tax or corporate tax may be carried forward for up to three years from the date of the original claim.
The credit amounts to 5% of Qualified Expenditures or 10% if in a rural area so a company with $250,000 of qualified expenditures is entitled to a credit of $12,500 or $25,000 if in a rural area. A rural area means any area within the state other than the state fairgrounds, an incorporated municipality with a population of 30,000 or more, and any area within three miles of the external boundaries.
How to Obtain the Credit?
Taxpayers must file Form RPD – 41385 to apply for the credit.